Edition January 2024
The 10 Most Successful CEOs Making A Difference in 2024
Lysbeth Fox: Showering light into the luxurious world of travel, property, and lifestyle
After spending two decades working in the luxury hospitality sector, Lysbeth Fox, Founder and CEO of Fox Communications, decided to play by a new rule

Doug Williamson: The Best Coffee Service Esquires Takes the Lead
Coffee is the most popular beverage consumed in the world. Statistics say that more than 400 billion cups are consumed

Andrea Gardiner: From a Passionate Rock-Climber to a Successful Businesswoman
“When the front door is shut in your face, climb in the side window.” Well, Andrea Gardiner was not sure

Kristin Carrington: Managing Risks in a Creative Way
Carrington Risk Consulting is an outcome of the dream of a strong-willed businesswoman who followed her passion and worked hard

Karin Hurt : Developing Leaders of Tomorrow
There are two reasons for not having tough discussions with other people. One is that they are afraid— they are

Elena Herweyer: Creatively Designing the Marketing Industry
A leader is someone who never stops learning throughout their professional journey. Elena Herweyer is one such inspiring leader who

Libelium: Inspiring new Trends in IoT Technology
With a diverse interest in every field she grew up as a multitalented kid who enjoyed sports, technical and cultural

Andrea Lewis: Changing the Literacy Rate through Somerset Storyfest
There is a very famous apt saying whose resonation dwells within any living individual across the globe without hesitation, “Charity

Chandrashekar Kupperi: Gradually Transforming Investment Banking Services
Chandrashekar Kupperi recognized his passion at a very early age. He comprehended the importance of statistics and numbers and decided

Ofer Laksman: Demonstrating a New Dimension of Digitization
Digitization is a widespread technology that has impacted business operations in a great way, fostering growth and development. While there