The Inspiration Behind Maximize Value Consulting
While playing D-1 soccer at the University of Louisville, Chase’s fascination with creating winning leaders was born. He discovered he had a special knack for leading, selling, and public speaking while getting his undergraduate degrees and competing for one of the best programs in the nation. After undergrad, he returned to graduate school to earn his MBA and Chase Kreger’s undeniable obsession with sales and leadership was ignited in the process.
Instantly motivated by a dream to help millions of people and supercharged with enough energy to fuel a rocket ship to the moon, Chase was determined to use his expertise to help leaders lead and sellers sell. But like every story, there was a roadblock, and he found himself disappointed by the surplus of unwanted, unasked for, poorly designed, terribly facilitated, hard-to-apply corporate training content out there. Combine that with useless certifications, geographical limitations, expensive solutions, google-able content, and novice facilitators. The long list of industry shortcomings birthed a needed solution for Chase to upend the corporate training world.
At that time, Chase realized the best way to overcome all of these gaps was to go out and build a company himself that wasn’t trapped by all of these unnecessary limitations. So that’s what happened. In 2016, with the full support of his wife Suzanne, he launched Maximize Value Consulting to focus on building a training system that produces epiphanies, disrupts continuums, enhances human-to-human connections, and elevates the performance of any business.
Over the years, they have been able to transform the lives of thousands of leaders and sales professionals all over the world. Today, Chase and Suzanne have four little kids who will eventually take over the company and carry it to places they never could. He just hopes they keep him around as their unpaid assistant to witness it all first-hand.
Success for Leaders
One part of Chase’s success is remaining committed to knowing where your unique expertise adds the most value to the world. Maximize Value uses this philosophy to stay focused on two things and two things only:
- Helping leaders lead better
- Helping sales professionals sell more
With that focus in mind, they measure their success with two different indicators:
- Helping more people
- Helping people more
When they end the day helping people more or helping more people in the area of sales or leadership, then they consider it a successful day.
Vison for Maximize Value Consulting
At Maximize Value, their clients are their heroes, serving is a superpower, epiphanies are the force multiplier, and humans are always a company’s greatest asset. Intentionally, you won’t find them at the top of your newsfeed or as a sponsor on your favorite podcast. Instead, they are the recommendation between friends and are committed to always make it a priority to answer to the needs of their customers rather than the needs of investors.
Maximize Value knows that in order to elevate the performance of their clients, they need to constantly elevate their own performance. That’s exactly why they remain focused on ensuring their trainers are both dynamic and brilliant, their training content is transformational and insightful, and their workshops are packed with real-world exercises. If you want a lecture, a traditional training, or a boring facilitator – then don’t go to Maximize Value. If you want an engaging, epiphany-producing, performance-elevating experience, Maximize Value is ready to help whenever you are ready to ask for help.
Truth is, you might be thinking that sounds interesting, but what makes Maximize Value different than every other corporate consulting company in the world? They differentiate themselves with data-driven content customization, the best facilitators the industry has to offer, and world-class digital resources so your team can keep learning anytime, anywhere. It also might be worth noting that investing in a development partnership with Maximize Value will cost you significantly less than the big-box, one-size-fits-all corporate training companies.
And finally, Maximize Value believes that every team they have the privilege of serving is unique – and your training experience should be too. That’s why they keep working to provide the infusion of insight, the injection of inspiration, and the continuous shot of enthusiasm needed to keep your unique leadership and sales teams in position to win.
Partnerships and Commitment to Client Success
Since 2016, Chase and his team are grateful that they’ve already helped tens of thousands of people all over the world. But they remain even more energized by the fact that several of their partners have been in partnership with them since day one. Having that kind of loyalty to any brand is a tremendous honor, and they are appreciative of all the people who placed a bet on them when they were just getting started. It is primarily because of their loyalty to the Maximize Value brand that they’ve been able to refrain from all traditional marketing and social media marketing and just use word-of-mouth and referral-based selling to expand their reach. With the help of their loyal partners, they now have the privilege of impacting professionals in nearly every major city in America and six different countries around the globe. At the end of the day, one of the greatest rewards any business can receive is the honor of having repeat customers. This type of loyalty is a point of pride for Chase personally, and for Maximize Value as a company.
Message for Visionaries
Chase’s first piece of advice is about fixing cars, and admittedly, he doesn’t know anything about fixing cars. But, he believes that if your car runs out of gas and you just sit inside, nobody will know to come and help you. If you get out of the car and start pushing it towards the gas station, others will get out of their car to come help you. Business success is much the same way. If you start by helping yourself, others will come alongside of you to support you. Take the first step, and watch what happens.
Secondly, Chase wants to help all visionaries remember that your efforts will be better served if you stop trying to convince everyone of something. There are already plenty of people who see what you see. Go find them. Don’t get so focused on those who don’t want what you’re offering that you forget to reach those who do.
His last piece of advice is to figure out what makes you different or what makes you unique. Chase is convinced that you’ll never be able to compete with Bezos and Buffett in their fields; they have too many resources and too much leverage. But on the bright side, you will win at a high level when you identify what makes you better, what makes you an expert, and what makes you an original. Once you find those things, then go exploit your expertise in the service of others.
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